Local flowers are a treat like no other; brimming with fragrance, unique colour, and endless variety. It goes without saying that to purchase directly from the grower is to be sure that you’ve got some of the absolute freshest flowers available.

Here some steps you can take at home to enjoy your Island Meadow Farm bouquet for as long as possible:


When traveling your bouquet from the farm to your home, it is paramount that you keep the stems hydrated. To help with this, feel free to bring your own water holding vessel along for transport OR ask us to wet wrap your bouquet for you. It is also important to limit the amount of time that your flowers spend in your vehicle. When traveling your flowers, always keep them out of direct sunlight while driving and keep the vehicle temperatures as cool as you can stand it.


Once you have got your bouquet to its destination, it is time to prepare your vessel. Before removing your flowers from their traveling vessel or wet wrap packaging, we recommend preparing the vessel that your bouquet will be displayed in. To do this:

  1. First, choose your vase or vessel.

  2. Then, check that it is clean of any water scum or dust that may clog the stems of your bouquet.

  3. Once your vase is ready, fill it three quarters full of clean, room temperature water.

  4. Carefully read the instructions on the back of the floral preservative packet before adding it to the water.

  5. Once you’ve added the right amount, gently stir so that the floral preservative is equally distributed throughout the vessel.


After you have prepared your vessel, carefully remove your bouquet from any traveling packaging, as well as from the paper flower sleeve. 


Place your bouquet into your vase or vessel, checking that all stems submerged in at least two inches of water and that there are no leaves or bits of foliage below the water surface.


Display your bouquet in a temperate area of your home and avoid setting it in harsh afternoon sunlight. Direct sunlight hitting your vase will dramatically increase water temperatures, which limits the flowers ability to stay hydrated.


For a vase life upwards of two weeks vase life, we encourage you to completely exchange the water in your vessel and trim each stem every second day. As some flowers naturally fade, promptly remove them from the bouquet and enjoy the remaining stems.